-Remix is a name of subjective process analysis , it is a plotting of information and their recomposition into a new unit .
-Remix always includes learning from previous Remixes.
-Remix is never ending evolution...
People wants to play, they are creative beings, they must be part of the evolution of things around, they want apportunity of influence, that is the fundamental principle of healthy evolution of society. If their faith and joy from participation evolution is removed, they become bored, resigned, they lose responsibility, ideas...
Fundamental moral principles are failing. Evolution of society stagnate. Calorifier is awaited. We wait for something that is hidden, perhaps barely visible. Calorifier with a incredible strength descended from its interaction with surrounding will enhance whole society to revival again.
If you realize your immense creative power and reveal your sovereignty, YOU become that Calorifier.
Tune in please, you should understand: